Vas-Cog Journal


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Please check the number of each affiliation of the main presenter.
Corresponding Author's number (*)

■ Affiliation

Name of affiliation 01(*)
Name of affiliation 02
Name of affiliation 03
Name of affiliation 04
Name of affiliation 05
Name of affiliation 06
Name of affiliation 07
Name of affiliation 08
Name of affiliation 09
Name of affiliation 10

■ Other authors

Co-author 01 Name Family name: First name:
Affiliation number
Co-author 02 Name Family name: First name:
Affiliation number
Co-author 03 Name Family name: First name:
Affiliation number
Co-author 04 Name Family name: First name:
Affiliation number
Co-author 05 Name Family name: First name:
Affiliation number
Co-author 06 Name Family name: First name:
Affiliation number
Co-author 07 Name Family name: First name:
Affiliation number
Co-author 08 Name Family name: First name:
Affiliation number
Co-author 09 Name Family name: First name:
Affiliation number
Co-author 10 Name Family name: First name:
Affiliation number
Co-author 11 Name Family name: First name:
Affiliation number
Co-author 12 Name Family name: First name:
Affiliation number
Co-author 13 Name Family name: First name:
Affiliation number
Co-author 14 Name Family name: First name:
Affiliation number
Co-author 15 Name Family name: First name:
Affiliation number

■ article

article type (*)
Title (*)
Short Title (*)
Key Word (*)
Disclosures (*)
abstract (*)

Length of Text: less than 220 words for original and review abstract and 100 words for case report.

We recommend that you first type your abstract on your computer then copy and paste the body of the abstract into the following space.

Please register an article with the following.
If there are multiple files, register the compressed file.

article (*)

Figure (*) Upload figures in both color and gray-scale versions. In the online version, the figures will appear in color with no charge. Figures will appear in color or gray-scale for print. There is a production charge for color printing (see “Submission Instructions for authors”). There is no charge for including gray-scale figures for print. The gray-scale figures must retain information that allows for independent interpretation.

Authorship Agreement (*) Complete the “Authorship Agreement” form with all co-authors’ signatures and upload it as a PDF file.

COI (*) Complete the COI form and upload it as a PDF file.